Sarah Rafferty

Sarah was bitten by the acting bug as a junior in high school. When her teacher advised Sarah not to play field hockey so she could go to Richard III, she fell into the world of acting. Sarah chose to combine her love of acting with her studies by double majoring with a major in English at Hamilton College and studying abroad to London, Oxford and London during her junior year. After graduating with a Hamilton College magnacum laude she went on to Yale Drama School. Parents who were both talented artists as well as English teachers supported her passion to study the arts. Her talent as well as her training paid off. Samantha Who? is a TV star who has appeared on a variety of TV shows like Law and Order, Six Feet Under Brothers & Sisters and Samantha Who? Without A Trace CSI Miami Bones feature film as well as a variety of stage plays, such as Four Single Fathers Falling For Grace and As You Like It. Sarah's TV acting career is in addition to being an ambassador and speaker for The Alzheimer's Association. Sarah hosted the annual Sardi's event for three consecutive years and spoke at the last Sardi's event held by this group in March. Sarah currently lives both on the east- and west-coasts. The couple's daughter and husband frequently travel to and to Toronto to go to work.

Sarah Sarah Shannon Shannon Shannon


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